Sunday, May 10, 2015

Biotech and Art

Biotechnology is technology that is based on biology and helps develop products and technology that help improve our lives and the health of the planet. If this is the case then human creativity should not be limited when it comes to this topic. While genetically modified substances such as agricultural products may not be the healthiest options, they have opened up the world to a vast amount of possibilities. The human race has been able to create a larger quantity and variety of food because of these biotech experiments. Biotechnology shows how humans are learning to create broad range of new inventions and ways to produce things. 
Although countless documentaries such as Food Inc. has shows us that genetically modified food is bad for us, I think that it reveals a lot about society. Just because where we are at with genetically modified food right now seems to be a bad path, it just means that scientists will continue to figure out new ways to create new substances. The biotech engineers have learned how to create food that can survive harsh temperatures and diseases in order to feed large populations. If genetically modified technology is that far along then it will continue to adapt and people will learn how to use these technologies to create a better version of what there is now. Instead of people fearing GMO's they should accept that it is the middle step to a final solution to food problems and global starvation. 
There are currently scientists at Yale who are developing ways to make GMO's safer and make sure they don't escape the areas they are created in. These people will be the future of the biotech industry. 
Works Cited

"GMO Facts." GMO Awareness. N.p., 16 Sept. 2012. Web. 11 May 2015. 
Johnson, Carolyn. "Harvard, Yale Scientists Develop Technique to Make GMOs Safer - The Boston Globe." N.p., n.d. Web. 11 May 2015. 
"POV | Food, Inc. | Interview with Michael Pollan | PBS." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 11 May 2015.
Stutz, Bruce. "Seed Magazineabout." Wanted: GM Seeds for Study § SEEDMAGAZINE.COM. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 May 2015. 
"'Super Weed' Taking Strong Hold in Utah |" 'Super Weed' Taking Strong Hold in Utah | N.p., n.d. Web. 11 May 2015. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi!

    I find it very interesting how you related genetically engineering humans and animals to engineering foods. I see the many ways in which they are similar and can be altered for the good of the individual and society. When you write, "The biotech engineers have learned how to create food that can survive harsh temperatures and diseases in order to feed large populations," this represents a huge advancement that greatly benefits society. I'm excited to see where this technology will be in the future.

    Great work!
